My adventurous spirit has taken me to America to study at different schools and universities. I have continued to maintain my relationships in professional, educational, and political projects for many years, which has allowed me to weave complicities with investors, journalists, researchers, and business groups.

The Arab world, and specifically Saudi Arabia, is my latest destination. Joining the NEOM project has been a great challenge and an opportunity to grow both personally and professionally. Adapting to a culturally diverse and highly demanding work environment has allowed me to test my experience and personality and spread my wings in a country of great opportunities.

  • Executive team member in the Urban Planning Department at NEOM (Saudi Arabia). Since 2023, I have been part of the executive team in the Urban Planning Department at NEOM (Saudi Arabia). As a member of the urban planning department, I am responsible for developing the land of NEOM, covering areas such as THE LINE, the Gulf of Aqaba, Tiran, the Museum, and special projects, as well as more than 20 islands.

  • Value Ambassador at NEOM.

  • Executive member of SDG Pádel and organizer of the first women’s pádel tournament in NEOM.

  • Member of the Spanish-Saudi Commission of the Spanish Embassy in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia).

  • Creation of international educational programs at Abat Oliba CEU University with IONA College (NYC, USA).

  • Lecturer at EAE Planeta for America and Arkansas University.

  • Member of the strategy and political communication management team in Felipe Calderón’s campaign in Mexico.

  • Advisor to the ENVI Committee of the European Parliament.

  • Promoter of the role of women and their visibility and activism in the Arab world.